Serving Southeastern West Virginia
Seventeen members and fourteen guests enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Pasquale's restaurant in Beckley, an evening of fellowship, and a chance to see turnings created by other Club members. Thanks to Bob Nickell for organizing this special event.
Judging the Entries
Mike Cope:Maple Burl Bowl
Best of 2013: Mike Cope
Scott Rodgers: Ravioli Roller
Jerald Carter: Laminated Bowl
Jerald Carter: Bowl from a Board
Harry Newman: 4 Acrylic Tops
Harry Newman: Off-Center Turnings
Harry Newman: Acrylic Top
Gerald Chandler: Walnut Bowl
Tim Greene: Candle
Charlie Myers: Walnut Vases
Bill Sproul: Cherry Burl Urn
Bob Nickell: Bottle Stopper
Cliff Baker: Streptahedron
Cliff Baker: Oak Crotch Plate and Bowl
Cliff Baker: 3 Nested Spheres
An Enjoyable Evening!
by WVWA, a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners